Sunday School
We have a children’s church program for children pre-K through 4th grade. It is held during our morning worship service (11:00 in September through June and 10AM in July and August). The children stay in the sanctuary for the first 15 minutes of the service and then spend the rest of the hour with our Children’s Ministry Leader, Dawn Pothos. During that time they have lessons, crafts and other activities. All are welcome!
Confirmation Class
Confirmation classes are held for youth in grades five through seven. We learn about God’s great love and mercy as we study the Old Testament in the first year and the New Testament in our second year together.
Vacation Bible School
In August we run a wonderful Vacation Bible School program. We usually have about 20 kids (pre-k through 5th grade) enjoying games, crafts, Bible lessons, skits, songs and activities. The program runs for one week, from 9:30 until 12 noon. Check “Upcoming Events” for the date of our next VBS program.
Youth Group
Our Youth Group has been actively involved in mission in the past few years. We have been on mission trips to Puerto Rico (twice), Pennsylvania, Virginia, and California. We also hosted a mission team from Minnesota and participated with them in Sandy Relief work here on Long Island. In 2015 we sent a group to CHIC – our triennial youth conference held at the University of Tennessee. It is a fantastic week with 5,000 other teens, great speakers great bands, fun activities, small group discussions, seminars, and a mission project. Some of our annual events include Winterfest (a regional youth retreat in January), the 30 Hour Fast (a mission project to raise funds for hungry children around the world) and helping out with VBS.