Lenten Devotional, 05/27/2022

The following information is provided from the Lenten Devotional that Marjie Ottaviano spoke about.

Gracious God, Thank you for meeting us in unexpected ways, you listen to our stories, you inspire us to share your love. You have opened our ears to the stories of those harmed by sex trafficking. In Jesus name we pray, AMEN.

1. Seattle against slavery-Every.org
2. Heartland Girls Ranch
3. BreakingFree.Net
4. Girls Education and Mentoring Service (NYC) GEMS-girls.org
5. SafeHarborShelter.com
6. MyLifeMyChoice.org or JRI.org --Justice Resource Institute
7. ABTAssociates.com
Equity Champions
8. John School--Course for prostitution prevention

Education is key. NO demand equals NO business!!

We can make a difference.

Arthur Ashe once said "Start where you are, use what you have, do what you 

"It Always seems impossible until it's done."--Nelson Mandela